A Few Good Men at The Company of Players (Hertford) 15
Season: 2011-2012
13th – 21st April 2012 at 8pm A Few Good Men
By Aaron Sorkin  
Directed by  Andy Lee

A Few Good Men is a court-martial thriller in which two marines stationed in Guantanamo Bay, are accused of the death of a weaker marine in their unit. Dan Kaffee, a dispassionate attorney in the U.S. Navy, is goaded on by a righteous-minded female co-counsel, Lieutenant Jo Gallaway, to make an argument rather than plea bargain. The play unfolds revealing the practice of unsanctioned hazing activity at the base and a cover-up authorized from the top Commanding Officer Colonel Roy Jessup. Dollee

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Capt Isaac Whitaker
Capt Julius Randolph
Lt Cmdr Joanne Galloway
Lt Sam Weinberg
Lt Daniel Kaffee
Lt Jack Ross
Lt Col Nathan Jessep
Cmdr Walter Stone
Capt Matthew Markinson
Lt Jonathan James Kendrick
Lance Cpl Harold Dawson
Cpl Jeffrey Howard
Pt First Class Willy Sanriago
Pt First Class Louden Downey


Production Secretary
Stage Manager
Assistant Stage Manager


By Amelia Bullmore
13th – 21st June 2025