Annual General Meeting 2024

Thursday 10th October 2024, 8.00 pm at the Little Theatre

The Annual General Meeting is for every member of CoPs: Full, Friend, Life, Honorary Life. You will hear what has been done on your behalf by the Trustees and the Management Committee, what is planned for the future and, very importantly, it will give you the opportunity to have your say about the running of your company.

Election to the Management Committee

We should like to remind you that Full, Life and Honorary Life members of CoPs are eligible for election to the Trustees and Management committee. Those seeking nomination should be proposed and seconded by other Full, Life or Honorary Life members only. Although Friends cannot vote, this is the chance for them to make their views known, so please do still join us.

The Trustees

Currently, Chris Janes, Chairman; Theo Berkhout, Honorary Treasurer; Derek Palmer, Honorary Secretary; Hannah Leonard, Angela Reiss and Jonathon Wallis.

Following some resignations and appointments during the year, there are only two positions that must be filled at this AGM; that of the Honorary Treasurer and the Honorary Secretary. Derek Palmer is prepared to remain as a Trustee, and Hannah Leonard is prepared to stand for election as Hon Secretary. Nominations are therefore sought for the post of Honorary Treasurer, and also for the Trustee Board.

The Management Committee

  • The Chairman (elected for two years), Chris Janes, having completed the first year of his first term in office, is prepared to stand for one more year, and so nominations are welcome, but not essential.
  • The Honorary Secretary (elected for two years), Derek Palmer, has completed the second year of his second term in office and so must stand down and be replaced at this AGM, and Hannah Leonard is prepared to stand for election as Hon Secretary, although other nominations are welcome.
  • The Honorary Treasurer (elected for two years), Theo Berkout, having completed the first year of his second term in office, is not prepared to stand again, and so nominations are essential.
  • The seven Committee members are elected annually, and nominations are sought for these posts. The current Committee Members are Ken Allford, Hannah Leonard, Jonathon Wallis, Chris Smith, Paul Morton, Angela Reiss and Andy Lee. All are prepared to stand again, except for Paul Morton. Derek Palmer, retiring as Hon Secretary is prepared to stand as a Committee member, and other nominations are welcome. So, to clarify, there will be one vacancy (in addition to the Treasurer) and so nominations are being actively sought.

Please consider standing for the Management Committee, without which the Company of Players cannot operate. It is, of course, essential that the post of Honorary Treasurer is filled.

All nominations should be accompanied by the agreement of the nominee, witnessed by a proposer and a seconder, and sent to the Honorary Secretary to arrive at least seven days prior to the AGM. Nominations may be made online, on a form available on the CoPs website, or from the Honorary Secretary, (

If you would like to stand for the committee but do not have a proposer or seconder, please contact the Honorary Secretary for guidance.

Should any of the posts be contested, an election will be held at the AGM, amongst those members present.

For those not attending, the minutes and accounts are also available on request in advance from the Honorary Secretary.

A list of candidates for election who have been proposed and seconded will be posted on the door of the Little Theatre, as from 3rd October, shown on the CoPs website, and supplied to any member who requests it.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. To read and approve the Minutes of the 2023 Annual General Meeting
  3. Matters arising from the Minutes
  4. Honorary Treasurer’s Report. (To receive and approve the independently examined accounts of the Company for the year 2023 – 2024)
  5. To appoint the Honorary Independent Examiner for the ensuing year
  6. To receive the Honorary Chairman’s Report
  7. To elect the Trustees and Management Committee for the ensuing year*
  8. To elect Honorary Life Members as may be recommended by the Management Committee
  9. Confirmation or revision of annual subscription rates
  10. Any Other Business. (Prior notice of this should be sent to the Hon Secretary before 3rd October 2024)

*Nominations received for these posts by 3rd October 2024:

Board of Trustees:
Chairman – Chris Janes, Hon Treasurer – Vacant, Hon Secretary – Hannah Leonard
Board Members: Derek Palmer, Angela Reiss, Jonathon Wallis

Management Committee:
Chairman – Chris Janes, Hon Treasurer – Vacant, Hon Secretary – Hannah Leonard
Committee Members: Ken Allford, Andy Lee, Joanna Manser, Derek Palmer, Angela Reiss, Chris Smith, Jonathon Wallis