The Company of Players (CoPs) - Hertford

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 7th October 2022


  • Loretta Freeman – Chairman, Theo Berkhout – Treasurer, Derek Palmer – Secretary
  • 24 Members: Andy Lee, Owen Freeman-Howell, Maddie Lee, Ken Allford, Jenny Allford, Murry Cole, Bev Turner, Des Turner, Pippa Cooke, Brenda Onyon, Heather Gill, Robert Gill, Mary Powell, Mel Powell, Geoffrey Rice, Shelagh Maughan, Mary Wingate, Laura Ilinca, Angela Reiss, Peter Reiss, Sheila Grimmant, Paul Morton, Chris Janes, Julia Lee. 
  1. Apologies for absence had been received from 28 members: Maurice & Maggie Newman, Eric Brown, Paul Russell, Jo Crossley, Charles Ledsam, Jan Palmer Sayer, Andy Howell, Arthur Roberts, Emma Bartlett, Ashleigh Harper, Madeline Carmichael, Mike & Brenda Day, Chris Smith, Helen Budd, Andy Paterson, Belinda Gee, Madeleine, Ian, Chloe, Harrison, Charlie Evans, Hazel Halliday, Tony Mason, Hannah Leonard, Anne Pateman, Shirley Howlett.
  2. Minutes of the 2021 AGM dated 21st October 2021 had been circulated and were approved by the meeting. Proposed by Laura Ilinca, seconded by Ken Allford.
  3. Matters arising from the minutes – The topic of buildings and land valuation in 10. was raised. The Treasurer advised that this subject is under continuing review.
  4. Honorary Treasurer’s Report – had been circulated with the annual accounts summary to all members present at the theatre. The meeting unanimously approved the accounts. Proposed by Chris Janes, seconded by Des Turner.
  5. To appoint the Honorary Independent Examiner for the ensuing year. Bev Turner had agreed to continue, and this was approved by the meeting. Proposed by Theo Berkhout, seconded by Peter Reiss.
  6. To receive the Honorary Chairman’s Report. The report from Loretta Freeman was received by the meeting with thanks.
  7. To elect the Management Committee for the ensuing year. As there were no vacancies, and the existing officers and members were all willing to continue, the following were approved for the 2022/23 Management Committee:
    • Chairman – Loretta Freeman
    • Secretary – Derek Palmer
    • Treasurer – Theo Berkhout
    • Committee – Ken Allford, Helen Budd, Laura Ilinca, Andy Lee, Maddie Lee, Andy Paterson, Chris Smith.
    Proposed by Paul Morton, seconded by Shelagh Maughan.
  8. To elect Honorary Life Members as may be recommended by the Management Committee. There were none, but the opportunity was taken to recognise the immense contribution made by Angela and Peter Reiss over the years, by presenting them with an engraved glass trophy, some flowers and wine, and lifetime ticket passes.
  9. Annual Membership Subscription Rates. The committee had already decided that there would be no change to subscriptions for the year 2022-23.
  10. Any Other Business. Several members commented on the popularity of matinees. A test evacuation of the audience was carried out, and all 27 attendees vacated the building via the side exit within 2 minutes.
The meeting was followed by a small party to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the first production by CoPs, which was Collect Your Hand Baggage. The one surviving member of the cast, Mary Wingate, was present at the AGM.